V&R unipress
Julia Zwink / Julia Zwink / Eva-Maria Remberger / Eva-Maria Remberger / Natascha Pomino / Natascha Pomino / Gerrit Bos / Caroline Bacciu / Marco Coniglio / Lucia Molinu / Katharina Paul / Hedde Zeijlstra / Anja Weingart / Markus Steinbach / Martin Tamcke / Manfred Tietz / Christoph Schwarze / Frank Savelsberg / Esther Rinke / Mailyn Lübke / Uli Reich / Adam Ledgeway / Sebastian Lauschus / Luca Refrigeri / Judith Meinschaefer / Luis Lopez-Carretero / Sandra Hajek / Sascha Gaglia / Olga Kellert / Maria Selig / Maria Sofia Corradini / Katrin Schmitz / Elisabeth Reichle / Matthias Schöffel / Franck Floricic
Romance linguistics is multifaceted
Romance is a fertile ground for linguistic research. Instead of limiting their studies to one specialised area, some Romance scholars have managed to combine different aspects of the broad field of Romance linguistics in an impressive way. This volume is dedicated to the multifaceted research interests of Guido Mensching: Part 1 focusses on different aspects of the architecture of grammar and linguistic theory, covering Italian, Portuguese, French, Sardinian and Romance. The focus of Part 2 is on historical linguistics, discussing Old Occitan lexicography and Romance in Hebrew scripts. Part 3 is dedicated to aspects relating to plurilingualism, language contact and sociolinguistics. Part 4 explores research arguments that go beyond Romance philology but are nonetheless intertwined with it.