Set on the banks of the River Thames in the literary world, P.D. James's Original Sin is the ninth Adam Dalgliesh mystery and a brilliant work of crime fiction from the bestselling author of Death Comes to Pemberley.
Atkins' Physical Chemistry is widely acknowledged by both students and lecturers around the globe to be the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry. Now in its twelfth edition, the text has been enhanced with additional learning features, and the writing style has been refreshed to resonate with the modern student.
Set on the Dorset coast, The Black Tower by P.D. James is the fifth Adam Dalgliesh mystery and a thrilling work of crime fiction from the bestselling author of Death in Holy Orders, Children of Men and Death Comes to Pemberley.
There is nothing more essential to our health and wellbeing than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat 25,000 times a day. Yet as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences. In BREATH, journalist James Nestor travels the world to discover the hidden science behind ancient breathing practices, to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.
Ein tragikomisches Missverständnis, ein geplatzter Lebenstraum, die Relativität der Perspektive und ein Mordauftrag, der in einem verhängnisvollen Irrtum endet: Diese vier Geschichten, von denen zwei erstmals auf Deutsch erscheinen, zeigen junge Amerikanerinnen und Europäerinnen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Alter und Neuer Welt und versammeln somit die Hauptthemen von Henry James' Werk.