Die Festschrift erscheint anlässlich des 850. Gründungsjubiläums der bedeutenden norddeutschen Zisterzienserabtei in Doberan. Fachbeiträge widmen sich seinen Anfängen sowie seiner mittelalterlichen Geschichte, darüber hinaus aber auch den Voraussetzungen, dem Wesen und Wirken des Zisterzienserordens insgesamt.
Practical, relevant, and with implementation at its core, this is the ideal guide to strategic marketing. The fourth edition offers extensively-revised global examples throughout, and unique interviews with practitioners to give invaluable real-world insights and advice.
A unique guide to cooking with spice, the book looks at flavour profiles and how they can be used, combined and layered - how some bring sweetness, fragrance, heat, sourness or earthiness. The stories and spice-infused recipes in this collection following the trails of ancient maritime trade through Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Iran and the Emirates.