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Nietzsche I und II, 2 Bde.

SFr. 112,95
"Im Durchgang durch das Denken Nietzsches wird das "Problem" der Metaphysik und damit das Problem des abendländischen Denkens spruchreif: die Metaphysik wird zu jener Geschichte, über die die Entscheidung noch aussteht." Otto Pöggeler, Der Denkweg Martin Heideggers
Ausgewählte Schriften, 5 Bde.

SFr. 135,95
Martin Heidegger is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. Not just philosophers, but also poets and physicists, theologians and painters, sociologists and composers have been inspired by him. Heidegger first entrusted his famous and controversial book on Kant to the young Vittorio Klostermann when the latter was still publisher at Cohen in Bonn; it was published there in 1929. Beginning with the 1940s, Heidegger¿s writings were in large part published by Vittorio Klostermann. The Holzwege, containing some of Heidegger's seminal essays, appeared in 1950, the Wegmarken, collecting still more essays, in 1968, both classic and indispensable volumes having been compiled by Heidegger himself. With these Selected Writings, we are delighted to be able to make available five of the most important books from Heidegger's multifaceted work in an inexpensive slipcase edition in "Klostermann Rote Reihe". In addition to the volumes mentioned, it contains the Erläuterungen zu Hölderlins Dichtung (1944) and the legendary lecture Die Grundbegriffe der Metaphysik, delivered in the course of the winter semester 1929/30, Heidegger's "secret masterpiece" (Rüdiger Safranski).
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