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Leonardo Da Vinci

SFr. 28,95
The author of the acclaimed bestsellers Benjamin Franklin , Einstein , and Steve Jobs delivers an engrossing biography of Leonardo da Vinci, the world's most creative genius.
Green Public Relations im Sport

Günther Suchy, Susanne Amar,
+ 14 weitere
SFr. 70,95
Die klassische Medienarbeit mit dem bloßen Blick auf sportliche Erfolge reicht heute nicht mehr aus, um die Reputation von Vereinen, Sportunternehmen und Athleten zu sichern. Auch in der Sportkommunikation fordern die zunehmenden gesellschaftlichen und ökologischen Veränderungen ein Umdenken - mit Transparenz und Glaubwürdigkeit als Schlüsseln zu erfolgreichen Green Public Relations. Anhand der kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren "grüner" PR im Sport zeigt Ihnen das Expertenteam um Günther Suchy, wie Sie Ihre Stakeholder für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit aktivieren. Fußball, Handball, Eishockey, Leichtathletik, Formel E und mehr: Viele Beispiele und Gastbeiträge aus dem Amateur- und Profisport, den Sportverbänden und der Sportartikelindustrie unterstützen Sie in der Praxis.
Foreign Bodies

SFr. 32,95
<b>A new and vibrant cultural history, investigating the tangled and complex history of pandemics and vaccines, by bestselling author and historian Simon Schama.</b><br> <br> With the devastating effects of Covid-19 still rattling the foundations of our global civilization, we live in unprecedented times - or so we might think. But pandemics have been a constant presence throughout human history, as humans and disease live side by side. Over the centuries, our ability to react to these sweeping killers has evolved, most notably through the development of vaccines.<br> <br> The story of disease eradication, however, has never been one of simply science - it is political, cultural and deeply personal. Ranging across continents and centuries, Schama unpacks the stories of the often unknown individuals whose pioneering work changed the face of modern healthcare. Questioning why the occurrence of pandemics appears to be accelerating alarming, he looks into our impact on the natural world, and how that in turn is impacting us. And interrogates how geopolitics has had an often devastating effect on global health.<br> <br> Inspirational and tragic in turn, these are stories of success and failure, of collaboration and of persecution, as humanity struggles to work together in the face of one of our most deadly shared enemies: the pandemic.
The French Mind

SFr. 24,95
A sweeping tour of French history from the 17th century to the present day from the highly acclaimed author of <i>The German Genius</i><br>
Trump Tapes

SFr. 18,95
"An uncharacteristic warning from one of the most respected, non-partisan journalists in the world" -Jake Tapper, CNN"It was riveting. I couldn't get enough of it." -Gayle King, CBS Mornings

SFr. 24,95
Just as Steve Coll told the story of globalisation through ExxonMobil and Andrew Ross Sorkin told the story of Wall Street excess through Too Big to Fail , Christopher Leonard's Kochland uses the extraordinary account of how the biggest private company in the world became that big to tell the story of modern corporate America.
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