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SFr. 27,50
- Wichtiger Beitrag zu Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte - Erzahlt überraschende Kulturgeschichten- Bruch mit traditionellen Narrativen - Wichtiger Beitrag zu Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte - Erzahlt überraschende Kulturgeschichten- Bruch mit traditionellen Narrativen

Rasmus Koch, Jacob Fabricius,
+ 2 weitere
SFr. 28,95
- The groups first museum survey in the U.S. - Highlights political issues such as climate change, migration, corruption, and speculation - Challenges social responsibility<br /><br />- The groups first museum survey in the U.S. - Highlights political issues such as climate change, migration, corruption, and speculation - Challenges social responsibility
House of Europe

Stephanie Jacobs, Aleida Assmann,
+ 9 weitere
SFr. 32,95
- Idea of a community of shared values - Surprising opinions on Europe - Unexpected images of Europe - Idea of a community of shared values - Surprising opinions on Europe - Unexpected images of Europe