- Taste from both a scientific as well as a cultural theoretical view - A different look at art - Compilation of essays from the symposium at the Museum Tinguely
- Taste from both a scientific as well as a cultural theoretical view - A different look at art - Compilation of essays from the symposium at the Museum Tinguely
- Taste from both a scientific as well as a cultural theoretical view - A different look at art - Compilation of essays from the symposium at the Museum Tinguely<br /><br />- Taste from both a scientific as well as a cultural theoretical view - A different look at art - Compilation of essays from the symposium at the Museum Tinguely
... Max hat eine Oma, und die ist verschwunden! Der Pfarrer schluckt und hustet, spricht vom Schlafen, von ewiger Ruhe, von Gottes Willen. Gemein!, denkt Max. Er findet das blöd, ganz blöd! So schreit er zum Himmel und fordert, dass man ihm seine Oma zurückgibt. Und Gott? Lässt sich auf Max ein. Berührend!