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SFr. 18,95
Das Internet hat nicht nur Geschäftsmodelle und Lebensweisen verändert, es hat auch einen eigenen digitalen Dialekt hervorgebracht. Er zeigt sich in Bildern und Motiven, die viral durchs Web geistern: Internet-Meme sind überall und doch kaum zu greifen.

Kallmeyer, Lucina Berger,
+ 11 weitere
SFr. 249,95
Als Kompaktkommentar liefert der Kallmeyer präzise und punktgenau Informationen zu den praxisrelevanten Umwandlungen von Personenhandels- und Kapitalgesellschaften. Mit Bilanz- und Bewertungsrecht, Registerrecht und Arbeitsrecht.
Migrants and Refugees from the 1960s until Today

SFr. 36,95
In the 1960s there was renewed interest in migration history in Western Europe due to the increase of immigration. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the so-called Eastern Bloc, the history of borders came again into focus, leading to a new generation in migration history. This development was reinforced by the "summer of migration" of 2015. The history of migration to Austria, especially during the Second Republic, has long been a topic overlooked by historians, but received increased attention since the 1990s. The present volume presents research currently being done on the history of migration to or through Austria. A renewed view on the history of migration to or through Austria
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