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John Sanborn

SFr. 62,00
- One of the most prominent protagonists of the American video art scene- Widely known for his music/videos with Grace Jones, Phillip Glass, King Crimson and many more- Fascinating collage of works from the past four decades - One of the most prominent protagonists of the American video art scene- Widely known for his music/videos with Grace Jones, Phillip Glass, King Crimson and many more- Fascinating collage of works from the past four decades
Marc Mimram: Structure Light, 3 Vols.

Erieta Attali, Marc Mimram,
+ 5 weitere
SFr. 23,95
Fascinating buildings around the world Breathtaking pictures by Erieta Attali Designed by KOMA AMOK, Stuttgart<br /><br />Fascinating buildings around the world Breathtaking pictures by Erieta Attali Designed by KOMA AMOK, Stuttgart
Jean Paul-Studien

SFr. 33,95
Kurt Wölfels Analysen gewinnen ästhetische Instruktivität dadurch, daß sie sich auf zentrale, ästhetisch relevante Aspekte der Prosa Jean Pauls konzentrieren Sie behandeln u. a. Jean Pauls Witz, seine Hinwendung zur sogenannten zweiten Welt, seinen poetischen Republikanismus, seine Kritik am Ästhetizismus, seine rhetorische Umbildung des Dialogs und die verschiedenen Formen seines Verhältnisses zur Natur.